Last Thursday at 8am I went flying to get some shots. I took almost 400 images and have narrowed them down to a few to post. It was such an amazing time but I got pretty sick in the plane... I guess I will never be an aerial photographer. ha
These are some images from my phase one final project. We had 11 images to produce with the categories of, showing and stopping motion, color(warm on warm, cool on warm, etc) outdoor portrait, self portrait, breaking up lines, outdoor portrait using flash. I did pretty well overall. So now I'm in phase two and I cant believe how fast the time is passing. I hope you all enjoy!
Its been a while since I have posted anything, so here are some stock photos I took of my good friend Jessy and Chad. We had to take pictures of fall in New England for stock and this is what I came up with. We had a ton of fun, and I like the images I got from the shoot.
Hey guys! I'm Gina and I'm attending Hallmark Institute of Photography in Massachusetts. It's a ten month photography and business program. I wanted to start posting some of my pictures and meet some other photographers. Right now I'm mostly interested in portraits and wedding photography. I hope to open my own studio once I graduate, although that might change over the next ten months. I also love taking fine art photos and taking pictures that mean something to me. Since I've been at Hallmark I've learned about the technical aspect of photography and how to run a business. Honestly this school is amazing, visit the website-
Anyway here are some pictures that I have taken over the 5 weeks I've been here.