Some images I took out on Bartons Cover on Tuesday. It was one of the hottest days we have seen so far. I am really happy with them and so thankful that Sarah took the time to help me out!!! Enjoy!
Some wonderful kids I took pictures of over Easter.. Erin, Patrick, Ryan and Sean once again I am having trouble picking so if you could give your opinion it would be really helpful!
These are some images taken in NY. Matt and Matt (ha) were really great and I got some projects done as well! I really like these pictures because they really don't look like anything I usually do. I hope you like!
So my boyfriend John and I took a trip to Manhattan to take some pictures over spring break. We left that morning ready to catch the train and came to realize that the only parking left was a mile away... so we started running. We made it just as the train pulled in, bought the tickets and headed to downtown Manhattan to meet my Uncle John. He works for the city and got us access to beautiful buildings and the rooftop of the building he works in. I have never had more fun in the city. We spend hours just taking shots and hanging out with my Uncle, who is a photographer himself. We later went to dinner and nearly missed the train home... ha. These are some of my favorites from the day!
And this is a picture my Uncle John sent me of my boyfriend John and I on the rooftop (one of the only pictures I have of us together. Ha )